(no subject)

Mar 30, 2005 19:27

You keep a diary: if this counts as a diary, then ya kinda....well sometimes
You like to cook: i have to be in the mood for it, but when i do it's nothing special
You have a secret you haven't shared with anyone: yeah...i have a couple
You believe in love: sure do

DO YOU...?
Have a crush: yep
Want to get married: of course
Get motion sickness: all the time
Think you're a health freak: not at all
Get along with your parents: that i do...most of the time
Like thunderstorms: loooooove them

Number: 15
Color: blue
Month: july
Song: hmmmm i don't know...i've always loved brown eyed girl
Season: summer
Sport: basketball or softball
Drink: strawberry lemonade

Cuddle or make out?: i loooove cuddling...but i guess it's the mood i'm in
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate?: hot chocolate
Milk, dark, or white chocolate?: milk
Vanilla or chocolate?: vanilla...i honestly really don't like chocolate all that much

Cried? nope
Helped someone? yes
Bought something? lunch
Gone to the movies? no
Said "I love you"? ya
Written a real letter? nope
Talked to an ex? no
Missed an ex? no
Written in a journal? this one, right now
Had a serious talk? yeah
Missed someone? yep
Hugged someone? yep
Fought with your parents? kinda
Fought with a friend? nope

1. being alone
2. crying or seeing people you care about crying and not being able to do anything to fix it
3. regret
4. insecurities
5. not being able to be good enough
6. getting lied to
7. missing people

Eat a bug? eh i don't think so
Bungee jump? hell ya
Hang glide? that would be awesome
Kill someone? never
Kiss someone of the same sex? no thank you
Have sex with someone of the same sex? hell no
Parachute from a plane? ya i think so
Walk on hot coals? i don't know...i don't like things that bother my feet
Go out with someone for their looks? not just for their looks
For their reputation? nooope
Be a vegetarian? hell no, meat is goood
Wear plaid with stripes? yep
IM a stranger? sure...i guess
Sing Karaoke? i would
Get drunk off your ass? eh
Shoplift? nah,
Run a red light? only if its necessary or if i'm following renee
Star in a porn video? the porn identity? no
Dye your hair blue? nope
Be on Survivor? if it was at some pretty place, yeah
Wear makeup in public? i would
Cheat on a test? i'd like to think i wouldn't, but the truth is i probably would if i had to
Make someone cry? i would never want to make someone cry
Date someone more than 10 years older than you? i don't know...kinda weird idea
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