Jan 01, 2016 11:45
Из книги "What makes your brain happy and why you should do the opposite" by David DiSalvo.
"Since the early days of studying propaganda used during World war II, psychology research has demonstrated that the more a message is repeated, the more likely we are to believe it - particularly if we are paying little attention. Counterintuitive as it may sound, the series of glancing blows from oft-repeated messages is what eventually locks us into the "illusion of truth"...And finally, viewers clearly acquired knowledge from the content of each drama - whether or not it was accurate."...
"In the first report, crime was described as a "wild beast preying on the city" and "lurking in neighborhoods". After reading these words, 75 percent of the students put forward solutions that involved enforcement or punishment, such as building more jails or even calling in the military for help. Only 25 percent suggested social reforms, such as fixing the economy, improving education, or providing better healthcare."