What, no one else observed three months of blog silence in honor of Mike the Tiger?
Um, well, I didn't either. Summer happened. And trying to kick out some work on the book before the sabbatical ended. And trips and packing up and leaving Montgomery and driving the big U-Haul. Oh and watching Anderson Cooper on August 29 and nobody else.
Also, I've been spending some time in Second Life, one of those Virtual Worlds you hear so much about. it's amazing and engaging and perhaps just a little addictive. I’m thinking about ways to use it in classes this year. Here is my avatar, Rudolfo Woodget, in one of his favorite places in SL, the Big Easy, a recreation of several blocks of the French Quarter.
The Big Easy was built in Second Life soon after Katrina, as the centerpiece of fund-raising efforts. Sectons of it are quite compellng, including an SL Preservation Hall where you ARE the band.
And so I’m back in Dearborn, a hundred yards from where John and I lived for 13 years before. And he's down South, and we'll have to find a way to get through this year and end up in the same place again. Thanks to those friends, both in RL and SL, who thought good thoughts and helped me make the trip up safely. And thanks too, to Cher, who helped get those last 25 boxes of books off the truck. Because really, there’s nothing a gay man of a certain age can’t accomplish when Cher is singing “Believe” and “Strong Enough” on his iPod, nothing. And if I told you that the iPod chose to play "Strong Enough" just when I was unloading the box of Katrina books, well, you wouldn’t believe me.