So. I didn't consciously give up blogging for Lent. I got hung up on writing a nice wrap-up piece on Carnival (theme - ordinary people), then started working on the 2 New Orleans presentations for church and my paper for CCCC in New York this week.
But it's been good to shake up my work habits a little bit, in hopes of being more productive, so I may stay away for another few weeks.
(Rose vestments, All Saints Church, San Diego)
Since this is mid-Lent, or
Laetare Sunday, or mi-carëme, on which Lenten restrictions are lightened a bit, I’ll pop in here for this update, and nibble on a little chocolate. Unfortunately (or fortunately) the Thin Mints arrived just as my chocolate-free Lent was starting up. Perhaps John has left me a few? I don’t think we have any rose-colored vestments lying about, though.
Spring is upon us here in the South and it’s wonderful, extravagant, surprising, full of color and life and pollen. Spring in Michigan lasts only a few weeks, it seems, between the last frozen claw of winter and the sudden maturity of summer. I’m missing the azaleas in Baton Rouge this week, but I have hopes of even more color here in Montgomery.
Oh, and the Tar Heels are in the Sweet Sixteen again. Very sweet.!