Background information!

Apr 30, 2009 00:25

My Kids!

Claudia Kishi, from the Babysitters Club endless series of novels, is a senior this year. Yeah, she can't believe it either. It was like she'd spent decades in junior high. She's Japanese-American, has loooooong black hair (normally up in some kind of bizarre 'do), is an artist, is not terribly interested in school, and dresses like she's blind and insane. But on her, the outfit works. Or at least, she thinks it does. It's entirely possible she'll show up to class wearing just a barrel one of these days. It's how she is. She's super friendly, if a little bit dim, and can't wait to meet new people.

Levi "Biff" of Nazareth, from Christopher Moore's novel, Lamb, was the BFF of one Yeshua bar Jehovah of Nazareth (he called him Josh, not Jesus) and was completely left out of the works of the evangelists. The horror!

Biff invented sarcasm (so he'll tell you), and has the gifts of tongues (ask any girl he's ever known *rimshot*), and has a Thing about angels (he thinks they're pretty much universally stupid. Loki is an exception).

Oh, he also knows kung-fu. He works over at Wellspring Arms and Meditation and will hit on you. Yes, you. He won't try to paint you blue. Probably. Though you'd look good blue.

Captain Jack Sparrow Jack is the IG head of the radio station, marooned here by his crew a few months ago and still trying to figure out exactly why he is now running a radio station. For now, it's because the squirrels have rum.

He enjoys rum, wenches, sailing, and rum. He leaves most of the reporting of the news up the squirrels, but will host a radio call-in show when he remembers.

...yeah, squirrels spy on everyone and report back to the radio station. Just go with it.

Anakin “Sullen is a Lifestyle Choice” Skywalker began life at Fandom as a student, graduated, went home, got secretly married and had his whole life go to hell. He turned back up 20 years later (or four days…) as Darth Vader, there to check up on his son Luke and convert him to the Dark Side. Or kill him. His boss didn’t really care much in either direction. Episodes V and VI played out in game and now he’s back, redeemed, remarried (to Rory Gilmore. It makes sense with the four and a half years of backstory. Really) and in a shiny new cloned body. They are expecting their first child any day now. And you thought the Star Wars universe was confused before... During the school year, Anakin teaches ethics. Yes, he thinks it’s hysterical too. He’s a good guy, but not really a nice one. He's 6'3" with blue eyes and amazing blond hair and unless specified, is always in Jedi robes. Normally with the cape, too. He likes the swooshiness.

The important bit: Very, very few people know about the link between Vader and Anakin and for good reason. Being a planet-killing homicidal embodiment of evil isn’t exactly what Anakin had planned out for his life and he’s not the chattiest guy on personal matters to begin with. Currently on the island, the only people who know about the link (other than the administration, who know everything, naturally, and now I have this mental image of a filing cabinet in Zoe’s office labeled “Skywalker”) are Ben, Tahiri, Jaina, Rikku and John Sheppard (and Anakin doesn’t know about Rikku). If you think it is vitally important for your character to know, drop me an email and we’ll see what we can work out. As far as Anakin is concerned, he’s told everyone who needs to know. Regarding the death of Padmé, the details of what happened will be kept between Anakin, Rory, and Luke (and Rikku, though, again, Anakin doesn’t know that) and most likely never, ever spoken of again.

Powers and such: Anakin is the most powerful Marty Stu Jedi from an Order that uses telekinesis, telepathy, enhanced senses and the ability to see the past, present and future in order to enact the always nebulous will of the Force. He’s a fully trained Knight who sat on the Jedi Council (even if he wasn’t a master, and he won't exactly mention that) and though he’s more than a little unorthodox in his approach to Jedi matters, he’s very touchy about receiving the respect he feels is due to him. He might look 27, but he’s not actually 27 and treating him like he’s some young guy who doesn't know what he's talking about will end badly.

Getting on Anakin’s bad side: Even though nursing grudges and holding on too tightly put him on the express train to the Dark Side, Anakin hasn’t learned to tone down that charming aspect of his personality. He’s absolutely the kind of guy who has an alphabetized list of everyone who’s ever wronged him (he has pages on Obi-Wan) and once you’re on that list, you tend to stay there. The fastest track to having a pissed off Chosen One on your case is messing with the people he cares about (admittedly, a pretty small list): Luke, Jaina, Ben, and Rory. He won’t forgive-or forget-an insult to any of them (regardless of universe. Sorry, Jess) and his standard of what constitutes insulting behavior is probably much higher than the ones the characters themselves would use.

That being said, he’s a pretty soft touch on broken characters, mostly because he’s been there himself (not that he’ll tell you that. Anakin lets his guard down around exactly two people and he killed one of them on the Death Star). It’s just in his own way: if he thinks you’re being stupid, he’ll tell you so and in very blunt terms. There was a reason Obi-Wan was part of the team: Anakin’s no diplomat. His office door is open to all of his former students as well as new ones.

Anything else? He’s also pretty much awesome with a lightsaber or in anything he can convince to fly. If you need a character to cut loose and kill things, he's totally your guy.

Luke “Whining is Hereditary, Who Knew?” Skywalker, an alumnus back in a galaxy far, far away, is his father rationally softened.

Not that he wants to hear that.

He's currently back home trying to restart the Jedi Order in the time he has left after being a general in the New Republic military. No, he can't believe they made him a general either.

Ben "Why Must You Torture Me?'" Skywalker is the sophomore year son of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade.

Ben is fourteen years old with blond red strawberry blond red hair (stupid canon can’t make up its mind. I say red) cut short except for a braid behind his right ear (he decided to restart the Padawan look) and blue eyes. He has his father’s curiosity, fearlessness and stubbornness, and, fortunately, his mother’s intelligence. Mature for his age (which happens when you’re killing people…), he’s also incredibly analytical and doesn’t take anything on face value. He’s 5'9”, so he's a little taller than his father already and is well on his way to being Anakin's height. He also has a genuine English Coruscanti accent. I have no idea why.

He's been through the ringer this past year because I am a horrible person: his mother died in November, killed by his hotass asshole cousin, Jacen the Sith. He went home to AVENGE HER find justice, etc., and ended up pretty darned tortured, again, because of Jacen the Sith. Over the past few months, he went back home, got captured and tortured again (this time by his universe's version of his Fandom High girlfriend Tahiri because I am EVIL), watched friends die, and felt when his cousin Jaina killed her twin brother.

He doesn't talk about any of this. Repression runs strong in his family.

Powers and such: Jacen once described Ben as a “Jedi wannabe”, but Jacen was an asshole. Ben has gotten much, much better with a lightsaber (and he's deadly with a blaster. Which is why he doesn't tend to use one unless absolutely necessary. He's a trained assassin--the boy doesn't miss) and using police investigative techniques to trusting his feelings. That being said, Ben is still the son of two of the most powerful Jedi in canon and has amazing potential. He just hasn’t tapped into all of it yet. He is incredibly empathic-Luke and Mara make a point to block their thoughts and feelings around him-and has a photographic memory when he isn’t being mindwhammied by his cousin. He’s also an incredibly fast learner. He picked up political assassination in a day of training, and is a very accomplished liar. He can also hide himself completely in the Force, a trick that scares the bejesus out of his parents, his grandfather, and most of the Jedi on the island.

As for me, I'm Fry. I live on the East Coast, where I'm a stay-at-home mom to my infant daughter. My availability depends on how much time she's willing to let me have in front of a laptop (less and less as she gets better at crawling...). I'm on mostly during the day and can be found on IM at fireballoffry, and on email at All of my kids also have "how's my driving" posts linked in their profiles and I welcome concrit.


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