Mar 08, 2007 15:06

I just go finished another friends Blog - and while I live pretty close to him i haven't had a chance to hang out with him to get the scoop on his life. jefe you see is one rediculously busy boy. Show up on show while maintaining the standard 9-5 job that includes going to the gym during lunch. And somewhere in there i know he must sneak in time for either boys or porn, one of the two - of perhaps the two together. LOL. In any case his online journal had something very interesting on it "What I'm Thankful For" There was a list of items that he was thankful for. So I think i'm gonna copycat this and start listing things myself. So here goes...

****Things I Am Thankful For*****
> The freedom and security my job give me.
> A few new friends that have entered my life.
> To see friends around me finally finding love.
> To hear Raymond singing.
> My bed! (seriously its so amazingly comfortable)
> and... for new found passions!

So there ya have it. Maybe you should try it! lol. This week has been ok, achey stomach aside and this cough is still annoying me at times, but i've been a lot worse so it's all good. Looking forward to a new game on Friday that Joe is running based on the world of Star Wars. Pretty exciting! And then Sunday we're suppose to catch up with my mom and Suzie. Hmm... maybe I'll bring my cauliflower quiche! I've made it twice now and its gone over well both times.

Ok... yawning... time to close down. Later folks.
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