Mar 06, 2007 07:24
I had cereal, animal crackers, and a slice of cheese for breakfast. Mmm... LoL, hopefully that will tide me over until lunch! I did very well not snacking like crazy yesterday at work, but then on the way home I bought a candy bar! LoL. Damn, at least I tried. :)
I made pork chops for dinner last night. They were so damned good. I amaze myself more and more each day! =D I tried eating pork chops differently last night, though. Instead of dipping them into ketchup like normal, I put them on a tortilla with some salsa and a few slices of avocado... Mmm. It makes my mouth watering just thinking about it!
I want to stop at QT on the way to work and get a frozen cappuccino. I better hurry this entry up and brush my hair if I plan on getting there in time!
La la la la la...
Jose's brother's daughter is doing a little better. She was released from the hospital, but she's back in there now. She's been hospitalized for over three weeks this time. Balta says he wishes they would just tell him what's wrong. They do tests and tests and change her medicine all day long but her fever just won't break. Hopefully they find out what she has so they can get her on the right medicine.
Oscar (one of Jose's cousins that live here in Omaha) left Friday for Mexico. He's going to spend 2 weeks down there. I sent a back full of older clothes of mine, some pictures, and toys to Jose's family. I also gave his brother my stereo, since I've only used it once or twice and then moved it into a box in the garage since the girls kept trying to shove CDs and DVDs into it. He was sooooo happy that I gave it to him! He sent it to his wife, since he's here in Omaha, too. A stereo like mine (it cost me $189.99 back in June of '05) would cost around 300 US Dollars or 3300 pesos! Ouch!
I want so badly to go back and visit. We've "talked" about me going to do my first communion down there.. Jose would stay here and I would take the girls down there for a month or two. This would have to be before Izzy enters school, though, and when we have more dollars. LoL, right now we're so damned broke I don't see a trip to ANYWHERE other than the poorhouse any time soon...
What is the poorhouse exactly...?! My Mom used to always say that when I was little...
Once, when my sister got into a fight with her roommate, my mom and me went to move out my sisters stuff and the roommate was crying like an idiot. My Mom stormed up to her and yelled, "CRY! Because the more you cry the less you'll PISS!"
Gotta love Mom. =)
I better go... As much as I don't want to, I *have* to go to work sooner or later! (sigh) Bye!!!