Uppity Gays at the Advocate

Dec 19, 2008 00:38

C'mon, people.  I know you're pissed off because Rick Warren's giving the invocation at the Inaguration.  I know you're pissed that no openly gay people have been appointed to high positions.  But I'm pissed at you, and I'll tell you why:
You scream for inclusion, but when Obama includes *everyone,* you cry foul.  If you want people to start respecting you, you have to talk to them instead of shooting them nasty-ass glances from all the way on the other side of the room.  Inclusion means everyone gets a spot.  Everyone.
So caught up in protest mania, you forget to be, oh what's that word? Rational.  Let's boycott the Inaguration!  Cuz nothing shows people that we're open to dialogue like not showing up when we don't get our own way!  This promises to be the most inclusive Inaguration in US history, and you want to throw your place of recognition away because people who don't support you are there, too?  How do you plan on winning over these people?  You let me know how to reach evangelical conservative from North Park and I'll give you a high five.
You want to be seen as more than your sexuality, yet you hem and haw because gay applicants were passed over.  Who do you want for the job?  The qualified person, or the token?  The candidates had excellent qualifications, but all the other candidates weren't dumbasses, either. 
You want to be known for more than your minority marker, but you point out the number of other minorities in cabinet positions by their ethnicity/gender and not their names, qualifications, backgrounds, or the hundreds of other attributes that make them unique.
You think that everything Obama does without direct regard for the LGBT community is throwing us under the bus.  You shout "We got him elected!  We campaigned for him!"  Well guess what: so did a lot of other people.  The President is supposed to work for everybody, and for the first time in eight years, we have a president who may actually try to live up to that.  He's everyone's president.  Not just ours.  We have to share and compromise and, yes, take the back burner sometimes.  I know you're all hurting and angry, but some common sense would be nice, so everyone doesn't think the entire LGBT community is fucking nuts.
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