Oct 12, 2008 18:52
Okay, let me premise this with the facts that I
1) Just got off of work
b) Have a buttload of work to do before I sleep, and
applesauce) have been off my meds for a week
But this should in no way lead you to believe that these factors magnify my rage to an unreasonable proportion. I am aware that there are plenty of secretly (and quite openly) biggotted, stupid-ass people in this state. It frightens me to no end that a small margin of them is all it takes to strip fellow human beings of their rights. Hell, Schwartzeneggar supports gay marriage--not even a lesbian plumber with a pick-up and her own softball league is butcher than the Terminator! For me, this is far bigger than not agreeing with your viewpoint or values or even not liking who you want to be our next president. Every time I see one of those Yes on 8 placards on somebody's yard, I know that it's very possible that my neighbors think that it's okay for them to deem what's legally acceptable for people who are different. That people who are different are scary and can do unspeakable things to them in this life and the next. Who may still think that "The Blacks" will break into their homes and steal their White women. I try to tell myself that this is nonsense, until I realize that there still are many people who feel this way, whose fear is a mask for their hatred, or the other way around.
I have to plan a prop 8 debate with the campus Republicans, who seem nice, except that they've supposedly asked this Catholic author who is a celebrated anti-everything nutjob to speak (Several associates have confirmed this, but I want to check for myself before I say it's set in stone). I'd like to say that this debate is a no-brainer. Prosteletizing nutjob versus our pastor speaker? Easy win. Except I know that it won't be. If we change any minds or convince any undecided parties that this kind of legal discrimination is morally wrong, it will be a hard-won victory.
I just had to put this in writing before I can concentrate on my homework.