
Jan 09, 2007 08:31

I haven't really started packing yet.

This is easy, since I really don't have to move everything for at least another month after I, well, move. Plans are afoot to see how much it costs to get a moving company to help me out. Not only is it tax-deductible, but it's also a way to make sure that I can get all the boxes I need.

So what do I bring down in the first wave? Well, the move is going to be done exclusively in a Jetta, so I've been trying to visualize volumes to figure out if I can bring everything I need. As it stands, here's what I need:
  • Clothes (all of them)
  • Computer (thesis won't write itself)
  • Laptop (it takes up essentially zero volume)
  • My stack of research papers (maybe I should have made this an electronic inventory of some sort, hmmm.)
  • My wine
  • My camera
  • Portable hard drive (takes up essentially zero space, and you never know how many pictures I'll take in that month!)
  • Assorted other things (calculator, Moleskine, business card binder, mahjongg?)
Some people say that it's times like this where you can tell what makes a person tick. When it comes to this move, I disagree: this is more like just figuring out what you need to get your work done that can't be provided by your parents in between moving and finding a new place.


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