Excurciating details of my sour fermented pickle attempt

Jul 19, 2010 22:41

I am trying to put up sour fermented pickles again, this time using this recipe:

2 years ago posted here on 8/30/07 the recipe I was trying and a bit later that I thought they were too salty (which is very odd as I love salt and that is just the amount needed to make normal saline which doesn't make sense...perfect growth medium for rot I'd think) but that recipe used 2 teaspoons to this recipe's 6 TABLESPOONS. Well those were not very good and if I remember correctly were not fermented as much as rotted eventually. Hopefully this higher salt proportion will be better, we shall see.

It called for dill of course...I used fresh leaves and heads from the garden plus a handful of seed from previous years, 2 whole (but on the small side) heads of organic garlic (I included the papery parts), a handful of fresh grape leaves (I have them wild in my yard). I'm making it in an enamel coated pot with all different sized fresh from my yard cucumbers (3 of the larger ones are 3 days old but were refrigerated). All covered up with a dish and a mason jar of water and a baby blanket.

K, enough...report on results to follow
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