Jul 30, 2008 17:46
Recently Isabella has been acting out; Not taking naps, hitting when not getting what she wants, just fall on the ground crying fits for reasons I cannot totally figure out. I have tried everything I can think of to deal with this, but I am just to a point of letting her cry it out in her room-or freak out or whatever in her room until she chills out or knocks out.
I know there is some underlining reasons for the acting out. Eric and I have been having some troubles and she has seen us unfortunitly fight twice and cry several times. Also around this time we had just gotten back from our trip to Mexico, then like 3 weeks after that I took her to see the dendist who said her pacifer needed to go because it was starting to seperate her teethe (which is our bad for letting her have it so long anyways- but there was a incident where we had her almost off it all together and a babysitter didnt know the 411 and ever since the paci battle was on for us) so I had her give her pacifers to the paci fairy which brought her a big girl persent but she wasn't happy and really really acting out.
*sigh* I hate to see my baby so sad and unhappy-she isnt a unhappy girl, plus its getting to be a long battle I am tired! I hope this is over soon.