Tutorial Poll

Feb 28, 2010 16:08

Thank you very much for 159 watchers! I'm sorry for the lack of updates, but least the comm seems to be operating on a monthly basis.

Now, I have 20 icons ready for the next entry. Since I've been working more and more often with large scans instead of 100x100 bases, which I used pretty much exclusively when I started out, most of the icons are variations on one coloring--four of them, to be exact. As such, while the posts have all contained over 100 icons each, the actual content has been thinning out.


I'm also planning on making another tutorial, so please vote for the one you would like!


If you have any questions, feel free to comment here! Thank you again for watching.

ETA: One more thing. If you commented on the last two posts, but I didn't get back to you--thank you! LJ doesn't even give me notifications for my personal journal, let alone the icon comm, so I'm sorry if I missed you.

%poll, %tutorial

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