(no subject)

Nov 21, 2012 23:24

Last weekend from Friday to Tuesday, I got to go to my friend Billy Buckaroo's house! It was a 6 hour drive there, but it actually wasn't too bad!

I had a super fun time, me and Billy hung out on the first day and saw Wreck-It Ralph (the third time for me, second for her), and we played video games and just bummed around. And then the next day Shuge came over and we all got to hang around and draw and stuff and it was a nice time. We then saw Wreck-It Ralph AGAIN because, man, what a good movie. WE GOT WRECKED SO HARD.

But yeah I had a really good time. They're so super nice ;n; I'm so happy I have such nice friends and that I was even able to visit.

Look and Shuge even got me a present!!

It's my favorite Sugar Rush racer Candlehead!! What a baby. She smells nice too.

Billy also gave me this, for a safe drive home =v=

wreck-it ralph, life

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