random old foreign cartoon thing

Feb 11, 2011 18:52

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My friends showed me this cartoon a day or so ago, and I haven't been able to stop watching it??

I don't know what it is about it, maybe it's the cute design of the lion or the nice song, but I keep watching it over and over. I like that song.

It's got a lot of visible animation flaws, but one thing I really notice about this is the little idle things the characters do, the secondary animations. They don't just talk or just sing, they move around and do stuff. Play with sand, play with feet, adjust glasses, etc. I really think cartoons need to keep remembering to do this! People (or animal people whatever) don't just sit around and do nothing, they move and shift around as they talk, especially young ones!

I wish I could understand a word of it, but it's still nice to watch. Plus so cute! I like when the lion gives the turtle a hug at the end aaww.

Watching stuff like this just really gets me pumped for working on animation!

idk, cartoons

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