
Jan 21, 2011 05:20

[talking about Friendship is Magic ponies, and what ones will be released with the toy line]

Invader Momo: theres gonna be a pegasus named "lilly" saw her on pre-order along with some others
Invader Momo: no one knows who that one is! perhaps a random pony who wont even appear in the cartoon!
flashfoxX: You'd think they'd at least appear in the background xD
Invader Momo: XD yeah, she might!
Invader Momo: we cant really tell because the pic is too small to see the cutie mark, to try to match-up to any BG ones
flashfoxX: Hmmm… Well, I'm sure they'll work it in somehow. Sure are a lot of ponies in the background
Invader Momo: there are!
Invader Momo: G3.5 they seemed to do their best not to show any of the others 8|
Invader Momo: TOWNS EMPTY
Invader Momo: ONLY YOU 7
flashfoxX: Only 7 xD
Invader Momo: the zombies rise at nightfall...

flashfoxX: ok, that's worse… wait, zombies?
Invader Momo: hahaha yeah
flashfoxX: For the last time, that's a zebra!

aim what, lol, my little pony

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