Jun 11, 2010 17:19




Chinchilla (Chiramii): ADORABLE ADORABLE YES. Also loving the simplicity of the design. No crazy do-dads or lines everywhere. Just cute simple and fuzzy. Biiig fwuffy ears ;v;

Round flower thing (Munna): IT'S TREETRUNK'S BABY. I love it it is so bizarre but adorable. Check dat floral pattern. And does it..float?? That is so creepy but so awesome it's incredible.

Gears (Giaru): AWWWW I like it. I'm really happy to see another like magnemite! And its got more than one face/head/whatever! Just like old times. I love the design, and the X eyes.

Pidgeon (Mamepato): Its cute! Hooray pidgeon! I like the heart-like belly spot, and the fact its a pidgeon! Very nice and fairly simple/natural design too.

Fire thing (Hihidaruma): Cool a daruma pokemon! What an interesting design. It's almost ape-ish but not, definitely daruma. It looks "ugly" but funny in that way too! gj

Zebra (Shimama): Nice an electric zebra! This oddly reminds me of something some of the fakemon artists on DA would create, but I really like it! I love the nose so much, and it's just so cute with those eyes and little ears and tail!

Crocodile (Meguroko): Awesome! Ground/dark is neat. Love the design, the eyes are cool! Like goggles. And the pink belly. Very nice, it looks happy too.

Also, Female professor! She looks awesome! Sooo happy for that, and I love how she does indeed still look like an older person. It is all good. Region looks distinct as well!

A+ job so far, 5th gen. A+

omg, pokemon

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