It's been a while since I realy talked about Hamtaro!

May 16, 2009 17:17

Omg. Today i remembered that the Ham-Ham Paradise site had Hamtaro episodes with Nande-kun for download!! *_*

NANDE-KUN!!! <333 He's like one of my favorite ham-ham designs! He's from Hamutaro: Nazo Nazo Q, which is like..some kind of weird quiz game that came out. But it never came to america I guess. But he also appears in a couple episodes and I had yet to see him!

WOOKIT DAT FAAACCEEE *w* He's such a cutie with his goofy glasses. He's always, always asking "Nande, nande, nande?" ("Why?") And he has a super cute voice XD Though the Ham-hams in the ep with him seemed to already know about him, and...wern't too happy about him hanging around. Everyone get's annoyed with his constant "WHY?? 8D" asking pretty fast XD

Jingle/Tongari-Kun shows up too! 8DD Jingle is just SUCH A CHILL GUY that he isn't annoyed with Nande-kun at all, and just takes him for a little walk as he calmly answers all his questions. (wheteher his answers to the questions are right or not...) It was cute though XD

After that, Nande-kun stopped asking "why" so much, and that REALLY confused the Ham-Hams when he came back to play but didnt bombard them with WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY. Also some other weird hamster Sorahamu-kun was there, and there was some story with him but whatever. Nande-kun went back to asking why at the end of the ep, of course. GOOD TIMES.

The next ep had some story with this weird little guy (not normally in that suit, just the blue) who sucked as a magician. And his older sister who was actually a good magician. (Magical-kun and Mystery-chan...I think) BUT WHO CARES HEY LOOK IT'S NANDE-KUN AGAIN HI NANDE KUN. You curious little scamp, you.

The website also seems to have two of the movies subbed...I'll have to check those out! These eps were just raw.

Also watched some more Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's last night. Hopefully will watch more today...I want to catch up! Lol Ruka, always going to that monster spirit world XD It's so weird. Was it in GX too? I never watched that series. Because it always felt a bit... out-there, and kind of out-of-nowhere in terms of how the rest of the plot and feel of this season is. Like a little ridiculous. Oh well XD I just want to see Jack's fight coming up, that is going to be all kinds of drama, I know it!

And lastly, Madamluna alerted me to a brand new Karoshi game!!  Super Karoshi!  I'm not the most fond of playing the games on my browser rather than just downloading them, but it was really fun XD A good Karoshi game, with a fun little twist. Lol Super Saiyan/Superman Karoshi, on the job to assisted suicide!  Also awesome Karoshi Factory remix music. I need both that and the original. *_* *looks for mp3s*

hamtaro, random fandom, yu-gi-oh 5d's

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