My frustrating day at the doctor....

Nov 09, 2009 16:18

Hello all!

Some of you know that I had an MRI on my hip about 3 weeks ago. Well the results came in today.

Let me just preface most of this by saying I have known the ortho doc since I was about 13. My mom cleaned his house for YEARS. He has done surgery on EVERYONE in my family--except me and so, I trust him. Anyway, the orthopedic doc says that there are no abnormalities in my hip joint. Then he says..."However, you have a mass on your left ovary that we feel you need to consult your OB/GYN about".


I know that mass/cyst could be an egg. However, those are not words I want to hear. So, I start getting all nervous about this. I have already had a hysterectomy and when I did that my mom told me to take it all out. I hated to think of taking hormones the rest of my, I asked the gyn NOT to do it if she didn't have to do it. So, now I am worried and trying to hear him tell me about my hip.

I tune back in and he is saying something about the mass/cyst *could* be putting pressure on a nerve and that could be causing my hip issues....but then he began talking about giving me a shot in my hip joint to take away some inflamation. SO, I say "Do you see inflamation?" He says no...but, there is probably some b/c of my lack of rotation in the hip joint. So, I say "Okay...give me a shot"

He takes me to the appt desk....much to my confusion...b/c you don't just give a shot in the hip joint. Basically it is a procedure that must be done in a surgical facility.

Now I am sweating....I am STILL thinking about the mass/cyst thing and now I have to take off for what amounts to a very minor "surgery" thing to get a shot that may or may not relieve some of my hip issues. And I can feel myself getting all freaked out and I am trying to ask the nurse/assistant/appointment desk lady questions. He hears and brings me back into the room. And I am asking "Can this be put off....Do you see any reason for me to have it other than pain management? If it is not going to fix my hip for I really want you to DIG into my hip?" He says " came to me. You know what you can live with." And he put on his most charming smile and said "Some people just need extra attention." And I know he is teasing me. Really. I know it. I just didnt' want that. I needed some questions answered.

SO, after I cried in the car and to my poor father in law (bless his heart!) I have come to this conclusion. I am going to address the mass/cyst first. And then I think I am leaving my hip as it is--until I cannot stand it.

I know. I am a bad patient. I hate going to the doctor. I have never really had to go. In my world--you go to the doctor, you get a pill and your are done. This is just too much.
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