This is way overdue, but now that the kids are back in school, hopefully I will have more time to post. Summer was really busy filled with trips to the pool, Disney World, Hershey Park, the sprayground, and lots of little day trips
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Oh wow Happy birthday to all your kids, and yay for going back to school, maybe it will give you some time to work on this sleeping through thing. If it makes you feel better Brodie didn't sleep through until he was like 14months old or something. But he wasn't waking every 2 hours, he was waking 3-5 times a night, so yeah. What i found worked was a bit of backgroud noise. Is her crib in your room? I also found that once we moved out of home (we lived with my parents until the start of this year) and Brodie had his own room he slept MUCH better, it was weird you'd think it'd be the other way around but nope. Or maybe with the CIO, don't let her per say, but leave her to see if she actually cries, you know? I find sometimes Brodie will have a quick whine/cry kinda thing that lasts barely 30 seconds, and he doesn't really wake up. And if i go in, i kinda wake him up even more. So it's not really CIO then is it? But at the same time only do what you are comfortable with, you're the best person to know what will work for you guys. I'm glad you had a good Summer. I'm so excited our's is coming up! I just cannot wait for it to warm up!
Kennedy is currently sharing a room with Madison. We will be expanding the room soon, so maybe being a little farther apart will help. We have a sleep sheep which has a stream, whale, wave, and rain noises; we have been playing around with that. It was working for Kennedy for awhile, and then just stopped one day. However, she also did this with her pacifier; one day she loved it and literally the next day she wanted nothing to do with it. This was when the trouble really started since now she wants nursing to take the place of the pacifier.
I am currently working on going in to pat her, but not pick her up. We were doing well for about a week, and then that stopped too! She basically wakes up and then starts a violent screaming cry which won't end until you pick her up. After picking her up she immediately calms down, until you try to put her down. It then takes about 30-60 minutes to be able to put her down again.
She is definitely my biggest challenge to date. In fact, my husband is so frustrated that if she cries when I am on the treadmill at night, he won't tell me nor will he get her (he is opting for the CIO method). I can't hear her over the fan, the TV, and the motor so she is left to cry. He says her cry is just as hard when I go to get her as it was at the beginning. According to him, she never even pauses to take a break; even after 40 minutes straight of crying.
I won't give up though, and I will retry what I already tried. Maybe I will have Madison sleep in Dustin's room for a few nights to see if that helps. I know that it is not forever, but I am one tired mommy!
Yeah here they have "sleep school's" which is basically a place you can go stay with your baby, and it has trained midwives and what not and they help you to get the baby into a routine and sleeping through. And by babies i mean like when they are waking alot at night still at 9 months. One of the things they talk about is when the baby cries don't go in and pick them up try to soothe them without picking them up, as they will then think, i cry, mum picks me up, and therefore cry to get what they want. Also they say you should leave the room while they are still awake, like settled but not asleep as they have 2 different stages of sleep, a deep sleep and a light sleep and if they stir during the light sleep and realise you're not there, they will come to rely on you being there in that part to self settle, and so forth. If what i'm saying is making any sense at all. But you will get it, and in the end the professionals don't have to listen to their baby cry all night do they? So you have to work out what works best for you guys.
I wish that we had sleep schools here. Although I have trained 3 of my kids to sleep, she really has me at a loss of what to do. I have exhausted all possible ideas and have even bought some sleep books to help me. The only thing that gets me through is knowing that it will not be forever, and the fact that I don't have to wake up and work.
Oh yeah. Just know it's nothing you're doing wrong. Seriously, you've had 3 kids sleeping, and i'm sure you know just how different each child is, some have their things, where you may have had trouble's with the other's, you may find easy with Kennedy, and vice versa. We all have our hair tearing moments, and you're right it won't be forever, hopefully she gets there soon for you
If it makes you feel better Brodie didn't sleep through until he was like 14months old or something. But he wasn't waking every 2 hours, he was waking 3-5 times a night, so yeah. What i found worked was a bit of backgroud noise. Is her crib in your room? I also found that once we moved out of home (we lived with my parents until the start of this year) and Brodie had his own room he slept MUCH better, it was weird you'd think it'd be the other way around but nope.
Or maybe with the CIO, don't let her per say, but leave her to see if she actually cries, you know? I find sometimes Brodie will have a quick whine/cry kinda thing that lasts barely 30 seconds, and he doesn't really wake up. And if i go in, i kinda wake him up even more. So it's not really CIO then is it? But at the same time only do what you are comfortable with, you're the best person to know what will work for you guys.
I'm glad you had a good Summer. I'm so excited our's is coming up! I just cannot wait for it to warm up!
I am currently working on going in to pat her, but not pick her up. We were doing well for about a week, and then that stopped too! She basically wakes up and then starts a violent screaming cry which won't end until you pick her up. After picking her up she immediately calms down, until you try to put her down. It then takes about 30-60 minutes to be able to put her down again.
She is definitely my biggest challenge to date. In fact, my husband is so frustrated that if she cries when I am on the treadmill at night, he won't tell me nor will he get her (he is opting for the CIO method). I can't hear her over the fan, the TV, and the motor so she is left to cry. He says her cry is just as hard when I go to get her as it was at the beginning. According to him, she never even pauses to take a break; even after 40 minutes straight of crying.
I won't give up though, and I will retry what I already tried. Maybe I will have Madison sleep in Dustin's room for a few nights to see if that helps. I know that it is not forever, but I am one tired mommy!
One of the things they talk about is when the baby cries don't go in and pick them up try to soothe them without picking them up, as they will then think, i cry, mum picks me up, and therefore cry to get what they want. Also they say you should leave the room while they are still awake, like settled but not asleep as they have 2 different stages of sleep, a deep sleep and a light sleep and if they stir during the light sleep and realise you're not there, they will come to rely on you being there in that part to self settle, and so forth. If what i'm saying is making any sense at all. But you will get it, and in the end the professionals don't have to listen to their baby cry all night do they? So you have to work out what works best for you guys.
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