Apr 02, 2008 13:08
I haven't posted in awhile since I just seem to always be caught up in the daily routine. I spent the weekend helping Zachary with his report on Canada. Of course we bumped heads quite a bit because he wants to do the bare minimum, and being I was a teacher, I want him to put in that little extra. It took a long time since this was his first research report, but we managed to get through it without killing each other. It did help that Scott also helped. I really enjoyed having him home last week. It was so nice to have some help.
Over the week off we managed to visit his grandparents, take the kids to the truck show (Poppy and I went with the kids), got some much needed spring cleaning done (Iwas actually able to do some of it 2 handed since Scott was home), and went shopping for a loft bed for Dustin. Maybe a new bed will make his 9' x 7' bedroom seem like more than a closet.
I also managed to score some GM wetbags. I spent all day Monday lurking the site. I thought that they were going to go really fast, but there was time to do it leisurely. I have now been spending all of my computer time hunting down some diapers. I was so excited to find the rainbow shine diaper that babycatcher33 has been looking for. Unfortunately the person only accepted funded pp. If I thought I could have figured out what that was and how to convert my account before the auction was over, I would have done it. If that was the only GM I ever got, I would be so happy. I would give up any for myself if it meant that I could find that one and give it the home it deserves. The story behind it just touches my heart so much!!! I must find that one for Abby and Charlotte.
Kennedy is still not sleeping at night. What a cruel joke giving me a few weeks of great sleep, and then never allowing me to experience it again. Although part of me will be upset when this occurs since I love the quiet trime nursing with her at night. I love feeling her so sleepy, relaxed, and comforted. What a feeling knowing that you have the ability to make somebody feel so safe and secure. Being she is the last baby for us, I don't know how willing I am to be done with any of her baby phases. Every time she reaches a new milestone I just cry. I am so sad that I will never be able to experience that again. I feel so lucky to have her, and I just want to be able to treasure her babiness forever. I feel that this is so wrong to feel, since I have been blessed with 4 children. Think of all of those people who can not even have one, and I am so greedy to be secretly wishing for more. I guess we all have our week spots in life and that is definately mine.
Right now things are so calm. Kennedy is with me in the kitchen in her exersaucer, Zachary is at school, and Dustin and Madison are playing games on the computer. I think that I will go stalk the Rainbow shine some more. Then I really need to get the sheets out of the wash and do Kennedy's laundry.