I hate my computer. I love Merlin.

Oct 22, 2011 22:35

My computer is broken again (this is the reason of the long absence) and the new one is taking time to arrive. I'm writing from my sister's old laptot that is putting my patience to the test, because is incredibly slow and it doesn't make me access to Tumblr (too heavy, I suppose).
On the other hand, it has borne the livestream of Merlin and I have only one thing to say: writers, are you kidding me, WHAT.THE F*CK.WAS.THAT. There's no way, in this universe or in others, that that scene between Arthur and Merlin was heterosexual! I quit, I can't do this anymore.
And at the end, I don't know what was more adorable, if the baby dragon or Merlin. And I'm missing Lancelot really much (mostly because it actually hurts me seeing Merlin all alone with no one that knows who he really is). And I'm very happy we had a Merlin centric episode, and even if I'm feeling a little bad saying this, I didn't miss Gwen and Morgana.

life, merlin

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