For the series, sometimes they come back (italian proverb).

Sep 11, 2011 22:49

+ The last couple of weeks, my internet connection was down again for some work in my building. It came back three days ago, but then today my computer just went off on its own and it refused to turn on again. I freaked out for almost an hour, then my brother called a friend and we found out that the... oh God, how is it called in english?... the power supply?... well, that something was broken, but we changed it and now it's alive again and I hope that there won't be problems for a while because my heart can't take this anymore.
Anyway, in the weeks where I hadn't internet connection, I basically lived at my best friend's house and we watched some tv shows (Band of Brothers, Game of Thrones and the last episodes of Suits) and a couple of movies.

+ The last time I saw Band of Brothers I was fifteen years old, so re-watch it was really a pleasure and it made me fall in love all over again. From one side, because knowing that those events happened for real, amazes and terrifies me at the same time, and it makes me feel a lot of respect for those brave men, and from the other because despite the reality behind that, the characters still take some distance from how the real person that they represent was, so you really get attached to all of them and interested in the relationship that they have with each other.
I don't know if I have made some sense, so long story short: this mini series gives me a lot of feelings and since I was too young for being part of the fandom - mostly because internet hadn't already ruined my life -when I watched it for the first time, I want to to become part of it now.

+ The last episodes of Suits were pretty amazing, especially because we came to know more things about Harvey and we had the chance to see him loosing his control a little.
If there is something I wish for season 2, is that they quit with the love triangle Rachel/Mike/Jenny. I find it boring and not so well written, and IMHO the only thing it did, was to ruin Rachel's character - and to make me believe that her and Mike are completely wrong for each other.
I have mixed feelings about Trevor. I don't know, I've found a little OOC the fact that he went to Jessica. First, because in the fifth episode at the end he tried to protect Mike, so he obviously cares about him; second, because it was made clear in the last episode that Trevor feels in debt with Harvey, and telling Jessica the truth could ruin his career. So, I don't know, I just find really hard to believe that he would threw away these two things only because moved by jealousy or because Mike didn't tell him the truth. Anyway, I don't think he will reveal Mike's secret to Jessica. Maybe he will tell her about the drugs and maybe he will try to get a job at Pearson Hardman... but maybe I think this only because I want Harvey&Mike VS Louis&Trevor, IDEK.
Anyway, even if Trevor tells the truth to Jessica, Lola didn't falsify some documents at Harvard for Mike?

+ Game of Thrones was simply amazing and I loved it. I haven't read the books yet, but I will do it as soon as possible.
I'm in love with the Starks, all of them, and Jon, and Daenerys! On the contrary, besides Tyrion, I can't bring myself to like the Lannister. And Joffrey has to die because it's his fault if Eddard died and I loved him so much. And, honestly, I like Jorah too and I ship him with Dany a little, even if my firend - who has read the books - told me that in there you can't really like them together.
To tell the truth I'm not really involved in any ship, I'm far more interested in the developement of the single characters.

+ And thanks to Suits, now I have new friends! Hello, everybody!

I apologize for my bad english. Hope it will get better some day!

+ Now I'm off to catch up with the news in my many fandoms!

suits, game of thrones, band of brothers, real life

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