Long and random post.

Jul 23, 2011 21:46

+ I'm sorry for not being very present in these last days, but in my building there are works going on, so I didn't have the line for nearly two weeks. This is not acceptable. I promise I will catch up on everything soon.

+ Thanks to my best friend, I was able to watch 'Suits'...
Honestly, after episodes 3 and 4, I was starting to think that 'Suits' had become more heterosexual but then episode 5 happened and I was like: ahahahah, nope! But slash asides, I'm really in love with this show and almost all of its characters. Harvey, Mike and Donna are flawless, Louis is awesome even if is a little creepy and I wish we'll have soon an episode about him and after the last one I like Trevor too and I support his friendship with Mike so much.

Little SPOILER for the next episode that we saw in the promo:
Mike: "I took the LSAT's for her, she could blow my cover."
...how has he been able to do an exam in place of a girl? I'm afraid of the answer.

+ ...and since my best friend insisted (and I suck so much, as if I've not already too many tv shows I'm watching) I've started watching 'Sirens'. And I'm really loving it. I wasn't too convinced at the beginning, but episode 3 was beautiful and perfect and I'm in love with every single characters, and I LOVE Rachid/Ash so much, and Stuart/Maxine too, but all the fandom ships Stuart/Ash and I'm here like 'why do I have to love always the wrong ship?! çAç'. I don't know guys, I'm just here with my fingers crossed, hoping that Rachid will discover to be bisexual so he can be with Ash. A girl can dream, okay?

+ From my dash on Tumblr I understand that I have to watch 'Game of Thrones' and 'True Blood' (and that I will ship Erik/Sookie, since my dash explodes with them every time).

+ I still don't know whether watch 'Torchwood: Miracle Days' or not. I don't want to watch it without Ianto, because I've no interest in seeing Jack with some other random guy, and I was never fond about Gwen so I don't care about her.

+ And about Torchwood, if you haven't already listened to 'The House of the Dead', do it immediately! And prepare yourself to cry.

Jack: "I never said it properly before."
Ianto: "Does it need saying?"
Jack: “Yes, it does. Ianto Jones, I love you.”
Ianto: “And I love you too, Jack.”
I f*cking bawled my eyes out! It broke my heart again. And the most horrible thing is that it remembered me of DoctorRose, and you have no idea how much I love them so I was an horrible mess, because Jack and Ianto are just like them. My only regret is that we didn't have the chance to see this translated into an episode.

+ My awesome grandmother brought me as a present the DVDs of 'Atonement' and of 'Star Trek XI'.
I know that 'Atonement' has James in it so I feel a little guilty to not have joyed too much about it, but try to understand: I have an endless love for that Star Trek movie. I've watched it an embarassing amount of times that I'm not willing to reveal and I'm so happy to have it in DVD finally. I've already watched it, in english, without subtitles because I'm not kidding, I know this movie by heart, so I had all the time to enjoy the beautiful accents of the characters. And I've re-watched the scenes with Bones like five times. I regret nothing, okay? Leonard H. McCoy is the owner of my heart and I ship Jim/Bones so much it's not even funny. Thank God, that there are fanfiction, or I would think that I'm the only one who ship them and not Kirk/Spock XD
I'm planning to see 'Atonement' right after I've finished to read the book but I think it will take a while because I'm trying to write too much things together and I always end up doing nothing else.

I think this is all for now.

suits, rant, star trek xi, torchwood, sirens, real life

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