anime time!!!

Feb 26, 2005 22:08

I just finished my psych hw, and now I'm going home to eat (*starving!* hmmm... spaghetti with meatballs? chicken and coconut rice? macaroni? ramen? oh the possibilities... *stomach growls*) and continue reviving my interest in anime, thus further establishing my total dorkiness ^___^. Yesterday I watched the first dvd of NieA under 7, and The Gokusen. Reviews:

NieA under 7 is about a poor college girl who has to deal with an ever-hungry boisterous alien (who looks like a 6th grader with elf ears) who lives in her closet and causes lots of trouble. A seemingly bleh plot, but what makes it funny is that I think this series is a satire on foreigners living in Japan. At one point there's a meeting of aliens (who all look like humans), with an "Indian" alien, a "Hawaiian" alien, one that looks like a great big fat kid (3 guesses what demographic he represents ;) heh), a girl with very Chinese clothes and hair, and an old guy who looks like "a shaman from The Last of the Mohicans" - quote from the anime. Utterly bizarre ^_^. At the end of each episode there is a live action clip of an Indian guy named Dalgit who says a few sentences in Japanese - his japanese is actually not bad, but it's really interesting hearing Japanese spoken with an Indian accent. Like when I saw an Australian sheep farmer speaking Mandarin Chinese in Taiwan over the summer. O___o very odd to the ears.

The Gokusen: now this I really liked. It's about a dorky-looking new high school teacher whose students are total punks and assholes, but she has a secret - even though she tries to act like the normal high school teacher she's always wanted to be, she's heiress to a yakuza clan and is their acting leader ^_^. (I don't know what is w/ my thing for gangster movies lately, I still really want to see the Godfather 2 and 3) It's funny b/c when she gets riled up about something she'll slip and start talking like a badass gangster (always fun to hear and learn ^_^), and routinely kicks gangster butt. It's like a mix of GTO and the Godfather, and actually pretty heartwarming in a badass kinda way ;) can't wait to see the rest of it.

Now I have the first dvd of Samurai Champloo (from the director of Cowboy Bebop! ^_^ I've been wanting to see this forever), Kai Doh Maru, and Read or Die. Yay~! I'm such a dork ;) but soon I will be a happy food-eating anime-watching dork. Whee~~~

This is also fun:
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