I've been so busy. Kylie is such an easy baby though. She's eating well and sleeping well. So far other than our little scare she's been a doll. She slept all night last night and when she woke me at 6 I was a little freaked out because the peanut needs to eat! So here she is (she's looking more and more like me..shhh...don't tell DH):
Here's everyone at Easter:
I'm still on maternity leave, I go back mid-May. I so don't want to but I have to because I'm the main breadwinner. BUT the coolest news ever is I got featured on Amazon in toys. It happened on Sunday and I'm on cloud 9 with tons of orders coming in every day. Its been a lot of work, but this is what I was reaching for. Of course, lots of other people have gotten featured too recently, I just hope the flow slows a bit and Amazon puts some guidelines in place to keep the good sellers and eliminate the bad ones.