(no subject)

Jun 04, 2006 10:44

After Svava and Kevin left Piper sat in her usual corner for a long while, thinking and staring into space.

Sometime during the night Piper stood up and, being very careful with the IV, moved over and sat on the bed. After another moment she stands again and with careful movements she pulls the quilt back that Svava had Baby place on the bed and gets under it.

And there she sleeps for many hours.

She wakes slowly and sits up.

She touches the cell wall. "May I have some tea? And..
I don't know..breakfast?"

Then sitting in front of her is a teacup full of tea and a spready of breakfast-y type foods: fruit, a muffin, oatmeal and toast. She smiles slightly. "Thank you." Reaching for the toast, she beings to eat.
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