I can’t believe my daughter is almost 7 months old! The time is flying by and I’m so excited about all the new things she is learning but at the same time, I miss her being little! Here are some amazing things she has learned in the past month:
- Perfected the crawling thing and is officially everywhere at increasing speeds! Though she started attempting to crawl at 5 months.
- Pulling to stand! She can now pull herself up on anything! She’s still working on cruising.
- Finger foods. She loves to feed herself, much more than she loves me feeding her purrees so I decided to start with BLW (Baby led weaning, thank you Jen for that website!) approach which seems to be more up her alley. She can spoon feed herself a little bit and is working the pincer grasp though she hasn’t quite got it down pat.
- She is teething up a storm but finally got her first tooth on the bottom left.
- She sits up all on her own with no support, even though she much prefers crawling since she can get to places and get into trouble, haha.
- She knows her sippy cup well and what to do with it. She also knows how to throw it at me, lol
- Lastly, the other day she stood up on her walking toy and decided to take a couple steps on her own. Scared me a little, but her independence is inspiring.
Needless to say, its been quite a busy month for the both of us. I’m loving the adventure and watching the wheels turn in her little head. Seeing as how she is pretty advanced for her age I think we are going to start working on learning words, meanings, talking, and maybe a little bit of sign language. That might make things easier for us so she can have an outlet for communicating what she wants.
I love being a stay at home mom because witnessing these milestones has been one of the biggest blessings I could ever ask for! I think it also plays as a factor as to why she is advancing so quickly. Everyone keeps telling me that I won’t want her advancing so fast because she will be into everything, but honestly im not going to intentionally slow her down because I can’t handle it. First of all, I’m handling quite nicely…and second, I will always encourage her to be the best that she can be and that independence is very important! She’s great and I am in love!
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