
Jun 19, 2009 11:58

I hate the DMV. After getting the correct form from the high school (saying that Paul was enrolled there) yesterday, we headed back to the DMV today. And promptly had to turn around and go home to retrieve Paul's birth certificate. (The hubs had taken it out of the manila envelope of driver's ed stuff and put it away, in spite of me telling him to leave it there.) It was a good thing that we took a number because by the time we got back, we didn't have to wait too long. Unfortunately, we'll be going back and doing it all over again... Paul missed passing the test by one question. He's a little frustrated but says that he wants to go back next week and try again since he has three chances to do so until September.


On the way home, we stopped at Wendy's. I gave the girl at the pay window a twenty and she promptly gave me $18.32 in change -- which was the total of the bill. By the time I got to the pick-up window, I realized what had happened and stopped the guy at the window from giving us our order so I could explain and give the money back. He turned out to be the manager and after straightening it out and giving me the correct change, he gave us two large Frosties, commenting us on our honesty.

I would have done it anyway -- but free chocolate is always a good thing!


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