
Apr 07, 2009 22:13

Well, Paul is home if a bit scraped up and bruised. His friend lost control trying to get on the highway and hit a bridge embankment. Both air bags deployed which kept them from being seriously hurt. The car was totalled. Paramedics checked both boys at the scene and cleared them so it was just a matter of a little first aid once he got home. The seat belt really tore him up and his knee is swollen, we're not sure if it's from the air bag or hitting the door. I may make an appointment with our doctor if it's still bothering him in the morning.

Thank you very much for your kind thoughts and virtual hand-holding while I was busy panicking. *L* It did help me calm down, even if I did burst into tears the minute my son walked in the door.

I really appreciate you all.

paul, family

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