Busy Weekend

Aug 24, 2008 08:28

First off, Happy Birthday to laurean !! Hope you have a great day!

The last few days have been a blur. The boys had a court of honor on Saturday as well as the high school band picnic. I had to do food and make sure each boy was bringing what they were supposed to. On top of all of it, Bill aka Mr. Committee Chair was in high scout stress mode so we were all dealing with that. He was making programs because the person who was supposed to do it bailed so he totally forgot to add patches to the boys' sashes. (He took this job over from me after I took too much artistic license with Paul's first sash -- no one told me that there was a certain order or that I couldn't sew them on diagnolly so they were the right angle to be viewed while wearing it. *shrugs* From a presentation point-of-view it made sense to me at the time.)

He really owes me for this one -- he stapled the patches on in the right order and I sewed them on. I wish he'd remembered it earlier in the week. My hands were a wreck after adding four patches on Ryan's and twenty-four on Paul's new one. (Another thing Mr. Scouty forgot about...oy.) I wound up icing my hands several times yesterday and will probably do it again today. The court of honor itself went very smoothly and we had a good picnic afterwards. We were all whupped, even Paul, so we stayed home from the band picnic.

In less than twenty-four hours, school starts!! The drill for today is for boys to load up their backpacks, find their belts for their school pants (which haven't been seen since early June -- going without a belt gets you detention under the uniform code), and locate another lyre for Paul's trumpet.

Tomorrow can't come soon enough.

family, boy scouts, school

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