Windy and Wild

Aug 20, 2008 08:29

We had kind of a wild night last night. A big storm rolled through Dallas metroplex with a big lightning show that woke me up around 2am. (Okay, the dog hyperventilating next to the bed may have had something to do with it too.) Around 4, I woke up again with the sensation that something was not quite right. The house was too quiet and once I put my glasses on, I realized that the ceiling fan and the alarm clock were both off. Yep, the storm knocked the power out. At least it was down in the low 70s/high 60s last night so it wasn't too uncomfortable. Everything was back on by 6, although our cable seems to be a bit screwy this morning. There were a lot of close lightning strikes so I expect things will be a bit iffy until the crews get thru.

dallas, weather

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