CityArts Fest in Dallas

Jun 13, 2008 09:18

This weekend is the Dallas CityArts fest -- I'm trying to talk Bill & Ryan in going with me but until Twilight Camp is over and packed up, it's like talking to a brick wall. I could always go by myself but it would be nice to do something non-Scouting as a family.

We've had a couple of emails from Philmont -- one of the adult leaders on the trek is posting regular updates. One of the Venture scouts was sent home because he falsified his medical form to say he was taller than he was so his weight could pass by. (He was 30 lbs over and Paul had said on their last practice hike they had to keep stopping for this guy to catch up, he was wheezing so much.) It's a tough break but the group will be better off without him. Paul didn't do a lot of physical training but he did wear his boots to school since Christmas and going up and down stairs all day is good cardio-vascular exercise, especially lugging around a heavy backpack. *L* For some reason, Paul always gets issued a locker in an area of the school that he only has ONE class in and that one is the fartherest away from all his other classes. He just lives out of his backpack.

I'm relieved to be getting regular updates. Paul and I were both a little teary when I dropped him off Wed. to get on the bus. I had a brief cry in the car (but just a little one because you do NOT cry and drive on the highway around here!) so I was miserable by the time I got home. Naturally the first thing I see on the news was the report on the tornado tearing up the scout camp in Iowa.

It's a terrible thing to happen and my heart goes out to those scout parents. That could so easily be my boys. In spite of it all, the way that those boys immediately began taking care of the injured and taking charge of the situation is exactly what Scouts is all about. You can't control the weather, those of us that live in Tornado Alley know that, but you can survive if you know how and that's what those scouts did.

I'm so proud of them.

dallas, art, boy scouts

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