Oct 26, 2007 14:02

What fast hectic week! We had doctor's appointments, band practices, cars acting up, and all the usual running about. On the downside, my car really needs serious garage time but there's not a day when I don't need to drive. My blood work at the doctor's turned up 'high levels of liver enzymes' which I've got to have an abdominal sonogram for but since I tested negative for hepatitis and diabetes, I'm not too worried. (Okay, I'm a LITTLE worried but not as much as I could be.)

On the good side, Paul's band went the UIL marching competition on Wed. and scored ones all around. He was really nervous because he had won a spot in the main marching group this year and has had to march backwards, forward, sideways and in circles. Not bad for an ex-hockey player used to slamming people into the boards. We're going to the football game tonight since there's only a few games left. If they continue to win, they'll go into the playoffs.

I think I'm out of my art block. I really was down after not selling well at FenCon and I just couldn't focus. I managed to do three really good pictures this week and I have another on the light table waiting to be inked. Here's the best of the lot:

Speaking of art: If you're in the Dallas area, the Dallas Museum of Art just announced that they will be hosting the King Tut exhibit next October. The hubs is the biggest Egyptology fan so we are definitely getting tickets to see it.

dallas, family, art

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