In Bloom

May 05, 2011 09:10

Yesterday was a glorious 73 degrees! The pirate ship was set to sail in the back yard; so a pirate picnic was packed, scarves tied on our heads and more toilet paper rolls to spy yonder islands and we were off!

And what of the treasure? Did we find gold doubloons? Not exactly- but the Pink Dogwood tree, Mychaela's tree bloomed with flowers this year!!! So far there are at least 12 flowers with more buds on the way. This was very exciting for me and for my two little ones.

I called my friend who gave me the memory tree and she said to think of each bloom as a smile; a smile from our Mychaela.

It was this year where I had my breakdown as her birthday approached in April. Prior to that beautifully dreadful date I held the base of the tree and cried a libation of tears. My sorrow I gave up to the earth and my anguish to the heavens.

I'd like to think these flowers are symbolic of my offering and a symbol to bring comfort.

Today the rain is falling, and Kathryn and Liam are still ready to once again set sail. I wonder what treasure we will find today?
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