Aug 29, 2007 13:09
One of my co-wokers became an auntie last night. Her brother and sister-in-law had a child after 16 hours of labor. I saw pictures of her and she is just so small and adorable. My co-worker is obviously very excited to see them today. I cannot wait until one of my really close friends or my sisters has a child and I get to be an auntie. :-) Hehe.
In other news even though I am not moving myself, roommates moving in and out of my place is a bit of a pain. It was not so bad when the roommates only lived here for a few months but this last one lived here for 2 years so things have accumulated in that time. Also the internet connection/plan is under her name, which is unfortunately becoming difficult to deal with. My roommate will move out on Tuesday because she has to work the whole holiday weekend (not fun) and my new roommate will move in on Wednesday. We start classes Wednesday night so it's going to be a quick turn around for all of us. For about 10 hours or so I will be roommateless. I do not know what I will do with myself during that time. I will probably sleep. *lol* Party animal. ;)