new here

Feb 11, 2006 19:14

Finally joing the world of blogs I am. I wonder why I haven't done this sooner.

Anyways an update for those that know me or who may be looking for me. I have been married for six years now, will be seven this October. We have 2 beautiful daughters, Madeline 4, and Lillian 20 months. I hope to have at least one more. I'd like to be pregnant again before I turn 30. My children are the greatest joys of my life. Both of them appear on Fisher Price boxes the world over, Madeline I know is on a line of products found in the UK, I wish they had them here.

I have been writing a bunch of children's stories, for the toddler, pre-school set, and I hope to get them published.

Speaking of pre-school Madeline is so loving it. It is great that she is able to mingle with children her own age since on our street there is a shortage of them. Her teacher told me in all the years that she has been teaching pre-K there has been one other girl who's art is as stand outish as Madeline is.(and Madeline is better than she was) She is my little artist, this kid has some real talent. I am so happy she got that from me, her daddy cannot draw a stick figure. Even the principal told me how wonderful her artwork is one day when I was helping out in her class.
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