Dec 18, 2004 20:02
On Thursday Natalie & I were sent home from work early. At around 5:15 she had some unbelievable diarrhea. I called MB that morning to see if it was ok to bring her in since she had thrown up, she said if things got worse they'd send me home, which is what happened. Then just as Natalie horked all over her crib Friday morning, MB called from the YMCA asking how Natalie was doing. As soon as she heard the crying coming over the phone from the baby monitor, she said "you know what? Don't even think about coming in, your place is with your daughter first, Friday's are kind of slow days anyway, we'll be fine." My boss rocks!
So I'm at home, baby pooping everywhere, when my boss calls me & says that someone else would like to help us out for the holidays because when her child was a baby, people helped her. She wanted her now 12 year old daughter to be there, too, to learn about giving. Ok. Well, I talked to her briefly & she said she'd call me back when she got home from work, but I never heard back from the woman. She's a mom so I'm understanding.
The day goes normally except for the girl being sick. She goes to bed around 9:15. Around 1am, I spontaneously felt unbelievably dizzy. I thought I needed to eat so I grabbed a granny smith apple out of the fridge, & I fell to the floor in the living room. This of course freaked me out, but it's happened before, I figured it was that my blood sugar was super low (it shouldn't have been, but who knows) and proceeded to eat the apple. I laid there for about an hour using Brian sock--it was clean--for a pillow), when I managed to drag myself to bed. Around 2:30, I started throwing up. I still thought it was because of my blood sugar. Then around 5am when I had now horked about 4 times I figured out that I have the nasty stomach bug that's going around the YMCA.I am so tired of fukking parents bringing their kids to work this sick! I understand the money issue but now my whole family is sick for christmas, & believe me this isn't just some cold. I haven't been sick since about 1pm, but I'm scared! I figured out that I cought it from Natalie when I pretended to drink her bottle of pedialyte & a couple drops dripped into my mouth. DUH! I work in a daycare/preschool. Like I don't know how easy it is to catch sickness. You should have to sit through the blood-born pathagens class we have to take. Let alone the CPR.
Anyway, poor Brian stayed up with the sweet pea till after 8am (she'd gotten up around 5 wide awake..I think she could hear me in the bathroom being sick) so I could lie down. He is now at work, 3-11. He didnt even get to sleep till after 9. He was really cool & understanding. He didn't even question my ability to function, he just took up for me & continued to show me what a great dad/future husband I chose.
Today he made himself late for work because he wanted to change & feed the baby before he left to make things easier for me. Did I mention that he slept on the couch (usually I do when I'm sick), so I could be more comfy?
I love him so much.