
Feb 17, 2009 17:32

For the first time in almost a YEAR, I am now ONLINE. The proud owner of a brand-spanking new, shiny, gorgeous MacBook (with a bright pink cover, thankyouverymuch!), I am thrilled to say that the portable thumbdrive-online-connection-thingy is finally working on my computer, and I can now type, unabated, from a keyboard! Oh, the bliss of typing, not texting from my iPhone!!! I am so thrilled, I can hardly find words! Now I just need to update my typing skillz. ;) That said, Adeeb has to take the aforementioned portable-thumbdrive-online-connection-thingy with him on his business trip next week, but for now, I can post to my heart's content, and I am heartily going to make use of that. Oh, how I've missed being able to post random stuff, and while Facebook has been my savior in that regard (thx to my iPhone), it doesn't hold a candle to a computer. So be forewarned...

Now where was I since my last update?
I've talked about Zeuz. Oh, but my Hanna. My Hanna is something else entirely.

She just turned 3 on the 7th, although she's been practicing for months now. She's the talker of the family, only rivaled by her father. She also lives in her own imaginary world, conjuring voices (or forcing me to) for practically everything--from dolls & stuffed animals to her fingertips (literally! "Righty and Lefty" are constant companions.). Even our truck has a voice, albeit voiced by yours truly. I have to keep my voices straight, or she instantly pounces upon any incongruity and corrects me. Her imagination is off the charts. She'll pretend that a box is a train, or a restaurant, a rocket or a car.

She is quite the girly-girl and loves make-up, making food in her "kitchen", and eating anything sweet (chocolate being her most favorite thing in the wholewideworld, closely followed by ice-cream). However, she isn't gender-defined, as she also loves being a superhero and playing with Zeuz's Darth Vadar & superhero dolls, motorcycles and cars (--more than he ever plays with them!). Here she is on her birthday, after eating the (gluten-free!) chocolate cake we made together, and then getting to go to her brother's kindergarten Valentine's Day party AND eating copious amounts of candy:

She also has a passion, only akin to 3-year-olds, to do everything like an adult. Her specialties are helping me cook, or clean, or take pictures with my phone:

This sibling thing is new to me, since I was on only child of an only child (my dad), and I am learning fairness in spades. However, these two are really bestest of friends, and it warms my heart to see how much she tries so hard to be just like her brother. It warms my heart to see how sweet he is to her. It toasts my soul to see how much she helps in keeping him present and stokes his imagination and protective spirit. He loves her deeply, it's obvious, and she puts him on a pedestal.

She keeps him present and engaged, and for that, I will be eternally grateful for my second child.

She also adds so MUCH to my life, so much joy that I otherwise would have missed (that WE would have missed!), and I don't know what I'd do without her. God bless her little (big) heart.

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