Apr 04, 2004 08:00
Never time to post anymore; things have been so busy. I leave at 7:45, drive W 23 miles to drop off Kys, then back E 13 miles to get to work by 9am, work until 6, then drive back W 13 miles to pick her up, hang out a bit with my best friend, then back E 23 miles to reach home around 8pm. Then I go pick up KD(only a mile away) and come back here. I try to be in bed by 11:30, and Kys usually gets up twice between then and when I get up. Grandpop picks KD up here for work. Sometimes he gets here early enough to see Kys. He is so good with her. I never figured him for a baby person. His wife's 15 yr old daughter J has offered to babysit twice a week so everyone will get a little break. I really like her a lot, but I ca't decide how I feel about it. SHe would only be able to do it when grandpop is working, and there is a festival coming up, and KD is leaving for the COast Guard soon, so grandpop won't be coming then. She does have baby experiene and CPR and first aid trainging, but she is also 15. SHe is a normal 15 yr old, and doesn't listen to her mom and grandpop for crap. So i worry if she is responsible enough or not. I never worry for a minute when Kys is at Bella's, but I know I would worry if she were with J. Bella doesn't think it's a good idea, and isn't looking for a break. It would be very helpful to me and save me gas and time, but I know I would worry. She's just young.
I can't do anything right now with DCF breathing down myneck. THey are running a back ground check on Bella. I am so over this. She is the most trustworthy person I know, and I hate that they are running her thru this. Unfortunately she does have arecord, so I'm unsure of what that means. We won't know anything until Monday.
Renee's shower is today. SHe is due in ONE WEEK! She still doesn't know the sex of her baby. SHe wants to wait. She wa in a major ar accident a week ago. Airbags deployed, car totalled, the whole shebang. She was ok, except for a bloody nose, but had to spend 5 hr on a back board in the ER. That must have sucked at 9 months pregnant. I ran into her husband on Firday. He said it was the most terrifying experience of his life. I can imagine. IT must have been petrifying for them both. THe baby is ok too, though. I'm really looking forward to seeing them todya. I'm giving Renee a breast pump for the shower. I ended up with 2 pump in style's and that is the kind she wanted, so it works out great all around!
Kys is sleeping snuggled with her daddy. It's early. I"m going to join them and take a nap.