I'm too lazy to rewrite all this over again so I'm just pasting from a post over on Pullipstyle.com that I made earlier today.
I haven't touched Pullips in awhile. I've missed them!
I worked on these two customs the last two days when I haven't touched them in almost a year since I bought them originally.
The first one is one I bought off of eBay as a customized Latte. I have no idea if she ever was a Latte. I bought her with the intention of redoing her.
This was how she looked when I first bought her:
This is what she looks like today:
Her name is VEgA, she's my android. I really love her as she came out. I came to the decision after not having touched her for awhile that I just wasn't going to be able to get rid of all the brown spray paint that was on her face plate and head back. The back of the head was the worst. It had glue from the wig being glued on. She has no head cap right now, will have to find one for her. I'm still debating the color of her permanent wig, for now she's wearing the one she came with. I might add a couple of more features to her face later on. I replaced her old body with a new one and still debating adding some "androidy" bits to it.
This is my second, she is/was a Squall:
Her name is Carolei. She is on her original body. She has her head cap but the hair was ripped out and she's wearing the wig she came with. It wound up looking really good on her when I was done. I love the thick lashes on the bottom, not what I intended but it happened that way. I haven't decided if I will put upper lashes, I'll decide when they get here. Her eyes are acrylics, I got lazy and didn't make them able to move and she can't blink right now. I might fix that in the future, but I never blink my dolls eyes anyway :p Originally I was planning a steampunk girl. I might still fix it up in that direction but she looks cute as she is right now.