Jan 31, 2006 19:37
I was supposed to have the "big" ultrasound tomorrow. The one where they make sure everything is okay and (assuming baby isn't shy) tell you if said child is a boy or girl. But it had to be rescheduled for Thursday. So to everyone whom I promised phone calls don't feel left out tomorrow and everyone else, I will likely post an update on my journal.
I think the baby is a boy, but not with the certainty I felt that Vivi was a girl. The chinese online predictor said a girl. But I had a dream last night of a very bald and very round faced baby boy (my first actual dream about this baby). So really I don't have a clear sense. I do feel more drawn to the boy names than girl ones, even though initially it was the opposite. And then there is the morning sickness which is much more reminecent of Patrick's pregnancy than Vivi's.
Having to wait this long has been interesting. The bonding process is different when you know (or at least think you know). Now not finding out until almost three months before my due date... Funny how technology creates senses of entitlement nature never intended.
I am nervous. This is also when they can tell if something is "wrong". Try to believe whatever happens is what was supposed to happen, but actually waiting to know is another thing entirely. At least because of how late the ultrasound is there won't be any pressures to have an abortion. But I wouldn't anyway. Not even if there was a defect "not compatable with life". I know that. But still the expectations are there however subtly they are stated. I really shouldn't fret though, its not good for me or baby. And I certainly did enough of that the first trimester.