Though there was a light frost last night and we all shivered in our sleep because it never occurred to me to turn the heat back on, today turned out to be a gorgeous day. Perfect for celebrating. So celebrate we did. Today was our Palm Sunday. It was Easter for the rest of my family. So after a very boisterous and exciting liturgy and palm procession complete with bells and candles and loud singing, we headed to my parents house to eat too much and hunt eggs and generally have a good time. It's been a good day. I wish I had some pictures. That is one of my new resolutions. To take more pictures and document this sweet life we lead.
Zoe and Luci are watching Matilda with my mom and Maria is jumping on the trampoline down at our house, probably with the literal boy next door. I'm going to drag the other girls home with me when the movie is over, clean my house a bit, and prepare for a very full Holy Week. Kalo Pascha! We are heading into the home stretch!
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