makes u go hummm....

Dec 15, 2003 04:03

I like this one!!! Feel free to do it as well and post it on your LJ

a survery

15 years ago, I:
1. was 9 years old
2. was getting breasts
3. had so many friends
4. Loved school
5. thought I was "normal"

10 Years Ago, I:
1. was 14 years old
2. was a freshman in H.S
3. was boy-crazy
4. thought I was cool
5. liked rap music

5 Years Ago, I:
1. was 19
2. started "loving" Matthew
3. every weekend at a nyc club with my "glowsticks"
4. felt so "special" in my relationship
5. got diabetes

3 Years Ago, I:
1. was 21
2. was engaged
3. slept in late everyday (because I worked at night)
4. thought I was going to be married soon
5. was happy

2 years ago, I:
1. was 22
2. was pregnant
3. nervous about having a "high-risk" pregnancy
4. felt special
5. became a mommy

1 Year Ago, I:
1. was 23
2. had a 8 month old daughter
3. had a part time job
4. didn't appreciate the "love" I had
5. was happy about the holidays

Yesterday, I:
1. cried
2. didn't eat
3. played with my daughter
4. went to Macy's
5. slept too much

Today, I:
1. felt lazy
2. missed Matthew
3. put some of the gifts under the tree
4. ate a slice of pizza
5. watched "Angels in America" on HBO

Tomorrow, I:
1. need to go to the mall
2. will hug my daughter
3. try to smile
4. go to the gym
5. tell Matthew "I love him" ..again

5 Snacks I Enjoy:
1. Dove Chocolate
2. Munchies
3. Carrots
4. rainbow cookies (YUM)
5. Ice-cream

5 Games I Like:
sorry not into games much

5 Things I'd Buy With $1000: (five choices, each $1000)
1. clothes
2. sneakers
3. I will buy my daughter clothes
4. down payment on a car
5. X-mas gifts

Top 5 Musicians Lately:
1. Tina Ann
2. Britney Spears
3. Enrique
4. Justin Timberlake
5. Sean Paul

5 Things I'm Wearing:
1. socks
2. boxer shorts
3. scrunchie
4. bra
5. t-shirt

3 Bad Habits I Have
1. biting nails
2. thinking too much
3. laziness

3 Interests at the moment:
1. Movies
2. Listening to music
3. driving around

3 TV Shows I Like:
1. King Of the Hill
2. Sex and the City
3. the simpsons

4 Places I've Lived:
1. Queens NY
2. FL
3. Argentina
4. Manhatten

My Top 3 Biggest Worries at the Moment:
1. my life
2. my daughter
3. Matthew

My Biggest Joy at the Moment:
1. MY daughter
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