Feb 10, 2007 08:02
OK I didn't want to write multiple messages saying the same thing so here it is.
I went to the midwifes my due date as of right now is July 8th (she said it is a possible 4th of July baby which is also my mom's b-day) but she said that is just a guess from feeling and listening. My next appt. I'm getting an ultrasound done and she can give a more accurate due date. Brian missed the heartbeat because Landon was cranky so he went out to the car and when they went to find him for the hertbeat they couldn't. :*( but it's ok he will be there for the ultrasound. I would just like to point out that yes I know that I'm am nuts, but hey I'm madly in love with my husband, we both wanted a big family (granted not so soon LOL), and we are young enough to keep up with them. We are very excited about the new baby. Brian is hoping for another girl, but the women in my family all think it's going to be a boy. LOL Well, I wil keep everyone (that wants to know) updated.
P.s. We have names!
Boy-Zachary Gordon (Gordon is my dad as well as Brian's grandfathers middle name)
Girl- Lily (we need help can't think of a middle name can't be another flower because last name is Gardner she might even get teased for the Lily part. What do you think?)