First of all,
*\o/* I have 40.5 studio hours, I did it woop woop!! *\o/*
Aren't you proud? I am. :)
~~I don't think they have any morning (4:30am-9:30am) shifts left available at
ManiaTV! but that's ok because I wouldn't wanna get up that early anyways, but I saw some other ones available on craigslist today. I need to make up a resume.
suzanne1981, I can relate to you yesterday. I looked effing hot today and no one commented. At least I kept looking in the mirror and thinking how hot I looked lol.
~~I'm really wondering what happened to 3 CD's that I can't find. Joss Stone (which isn't even mine), Self (one of my favorite CD's ever) and Cosmic Pond (a local band that never amounted to anything but kicked much ass). I've looked everywhere.
~~Found out from Luke that Jeremy is dropping out leaving school. This makes me sad. He's funny as fuck and I like people that make me laugh a lot.
~~How High School is prank calling? *Rolls eyes* I just got prank called by a restricted number and they told me to stop messing with their man and called me a whore...and it was a GUY lol. Hot.
~~I gave Aspen a bath in the kitchen sink tonight because they tore the whole bathroom up today. I took a picture of her cuz it was cute. I wish posting pics on here was easier. They're remodeling that bathroom. I need to take a shower. I can do that in the other bathroom, though.
~~I *still* fucking miss Joey. Not even in...that way, just as being my friend. I miss talking to Tim. Last time I e-mailed him, I never got anything back. Hope he's ok. (He's my friend that lives in Minnesota that I've known for like 5 years but never met in person and he rocks.)
~~I'm b-loated. Suck.
~~I'm hella bored right now. Luke said "hella" the other night and it surprised the fuck outta me. He hates that word. He's a cool boy.
~~I need to get up earlier *nods* I feel like shit when I don't. Seriously.
~~It's only Monday, our trash is already full (because of all the floor and shit from the bathroom being pulled up), and trash day isn't until Friday. :/
~~Think I'm done rambling updating for now.