(no subject)

Dec 22, 2004 10:04

Aww, yay. prosewhore and I were supposed to go shopping last night. Yah, didn't happen. Because traffic was nuts and I figured the stores would be the same way. But it must be done at some point *sigh*. Boo for procrastination. So, we wound up going to coffee & applejuice (lol) at Paris on the Platte. Aww, brought back a ton of good memories because I hadn't been there in so long. I yelled at a guy while trying to park because he was just sitting there like a dumbass. I have a little bit of road rage on occasion. We chatted for awhile, I got flirted with in text messaging haha and then Joey came down.aww. pawsibleclaws came down after Comedy Works. We played cards. It was great fun. I can't believe we sat at a coffee house for 4 1/2 hours that long. I love you guys!! I need to wrap the kids' Christmas presents tonight or else it's not going to get done. My Starbucks is cold. :/ My sister and her "fiance" (I hate that word) are leaving today after they get off work to come here. Yay! *\o/* Too bad my other sister and mom aren't coming too, but at least I'll have one of my family members here. I have no idea what Tiffany (my shady cousin that lives here)'s doing. I forgot to mention this before, it was kinda weird though. I called Tiff the other day (like last week haha) and left her a VM, she called back while I was in Michelle's house getting the kids and left me a VM. Gotta love phone tag. Well, on the VM that she left me, she said she'd been at the clinic for like 3 hours, and then it sounded like she said "because I went and got myself knocked up" so I was like whaa? And I haven't heard from her since. So, not sure what's going on there. I don't have a lot left to do, but it sure as hell feels like I do. I got through to the radio station this morning and that always makes me excited. :D I was listening to Pepper's Garage session on 93.3, did anyone else hear it? I believe it's on the website, but not sure. If you didn't, you should definitely check it out, they're great. They sound a lot like Sublime, I think anyways. lindsayboo hurry up and tell us how your night went!! lol xlisax, I'm down to hang out sometime soon, we need to! :) Ok, I'ma list a few things just so I know what all I have to do and then I'm gonna do Kodi's quiz. Cuz it's long and will take up time. Oh, I got a gift card for P.F. Chang's from Mark and Darren. Jen got Macaroni Grill. Anyone ever been to P.F. Chang's? I haven't. But it was free. So I'm excited. Ok. Holla, biatches!! ;)~

♥ Wrap the kids' presents
♥ Buy a toy and take it down to the station for "we give a shift"
♥ Buy Blake and a couple other people last-minute gifts
♥ Get whatever I need for Christmas Day (which I have no idea what that is since Shaun's dad has pretty much left us [me anyway] in the dark)
♥ Call Grandma Vera, get invited over there and feel insanely guilty for only calling her during holiday season
♥ Call Tim on Friday [edit]

See, not that much to do...but it sure as hell feels like a lot. And it feels like there's more that I'm forgetting, too.

A is for age: 24

B is for brand of clothes: I don't have one specific brand I wear.

C is for career: Future career in radio, biatches!

D is for dad's name: Randy, although I've never met nor seen a picture of him

E is for essential item to bring to a party: Cigarettes

F is for favorite song at this moment: "Let Me Go" - 3 Doors Down; "Money.Success.Fame.Glamour" - Felix da Housecat

G is for girlfriend: I wish :x

H is for hometown: Denver, Colorado

I is for instruments you play: I can play piano a little bit. I can play the stereo, too haha.

J is for jam or jelly you like: Grandma's Apple Butter MmMm

K is for kids: Gavin Lestat-5 years old; Myah Charlize-2 years old, I love you hunny; Aspen Felicia Bailey-11 months old on Christmas ♥

L is for living arrangement: Me, Shaun, the kids, Shaun's dad (kinda sometimes)

M is for mom's name: Lynda

N is for name of your best friend: Yah, I have a lot. Kodi, Shaun, Lees, mom, Tim, Dylan, Jesse, Steph, I'll put Joey too. :)

O is for overnight hospital stays: When I had my kids

P is for phobia(s): Tornadoes, Ferris wheels, X-rays, Spiders, being alone, something happening to my loved ones

Q is for quote you like: "What you thought was real in life has somehow steered you wrong, and now you just keep drivin' tryin' to find where you belong"~3 Doors Down "The Road I'm On"; "When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed"~Marilyn Manson "Man That You Fear"; "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and make a trail"~dunno "An adopted child gets baptized twice. Once by the Church and once by her mother's tears"~dunno

R is for relationship that lasted the longest: 4 years

S is for school you attend: I'll be attending Ohio Center for Broadcasting starting January 18th, woohoo!

T is for time you wake up: Ideally, I should wake up around 6:20, usually don't until about 7 though.

V is for vegetable you love: Spinach!

W is for worst habit: Biting my nails

X is for x-rays you had: *Shudders* wrist, teeth

Y is for yummy food you make: I make some kickass enchiladas :)

Z is for zodiac sign: Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde a.k.a. Gemini

First self bought cd: I don't remember the first CD I bought, but the first CD I ever received was Beach Boys haha.
First funeral: Mrs. Jones
First credit card: Visa Capital One Gold Card
First crush: Arceno
Last cigarette: About 20 minutes ago
Last car ride: This morning on the way to work freezing because my heater's semi-broken :/
Last good cry: I don't know if any cry is ever good...Sunday night, though.
Last library book checked out: I dunno but guaranteed I still have it
Last beverage drank: Starbucks, water
Last food consumed: Sausage egg cheese McMuffin from McDonald's
Last phone call: Talked to Shaun last night while I was at coffee for a minute
Last time showered: Last night
Last shoes worn: I'm wearing my short boots right now
Last cd played: the 3 Doors Down single of "Let Me Go"
Last song you sang: I'm sure I was singin' in the car this morning to whatever was on the radio. Think it was Pepper - "Ashes" actually.
What color socks are you wearing?: Red
What color of underwear?: White and red thong
What's under your bed?: No tellin' lol
What time did you wake up today?: A little after 7

Where do you want to go?: Wherever you wanna take me
What is your career going to be?: Radio! Didn't we already talk about this?
Where are you going to live?: Hopefully somewhere warm someday *sigh*.
How many kids do you want?: I've had all I'm having
What kind of car(s): I will own a Hummer someday. Oh yes.I will.

Sex: Yes please
Birthday: June 14th, 1980
Sign: Scroll up
Siblings: 2 younger sisters; Crystal-20 and Andrea-19
What is your favorite place to shop: I ♥ shopping anywhere!!
do you do drugs?: Not anymore
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Head and Shoulders
What are you most scared of?: Scroll up
Where do you want to get married?: Been there, done that. I'm now a member of the anti-marriage coalition haha.

Subjects in school: English, Choir, Drama
Favorite Animals: Hippos
Ice Cream: Coffee, Pralines & Cream, Baseball Nut, Oreo Blizzard
Sport: Football, Cheerleading *\o/*
Season: Summer

H A V E | Y O U | E V E R
Given anyone a bath?: I have kids, what do you think?
Bungee jumped?: Not yet, wanted to since I was 14 though
Skinny dipped?: Yes actually...
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: Haha, yep
Cried when someone died?: Der der
Fallen for your best friend?: Like you don't even know...
Done something you regret?: Yes

L A S T | P E R S O N
Hugged: The kids before coming to work this morning
You yelled at: I dunno actually? Haha, Tyler for interrogating me last night.
Kissed: The kids before coming to work this morning

Makes you laugh the most: Oh man, I can't even pick one. I laugh a lot. Tim makes me laugh pretty fuckin' hard.
Makes you cry? Myself
Is your best friend in the entire world? Scroll up
Do you admire? My grandpa, Blake
Can't you stand? Courtney Love

Of boys/girls I've REALLY kissed: Seriously?
Of things that I regret: I don't know the number...

firework: Huh? I ♥ fireworks
fastfood: I ♥ fast food haha
french fries: The seasoned ones
chips: and salsa
theme park: Magic Mountain and Disneyland
state: Euphoria
school subject: Scroll up
person to ride with: What are we riding? ;)
upcoming movie: ??
thing to do: I have a lot of things I really like to do. Riding roller coasters would have to be up there.

person to hang out with: Kodi, my mom
cereal: Cocoa Pebbles, Quaker's OH's
dessert: Baklava, Tiramisu from Olive Garden
person to talk to online: Everyone!
electronic game: EverQuest for computer, The Sims for Xbox and Sanitarium for computer
board game: Scattergories (sp?)
friends/party game: Prolly cards

your current best friend: Are we still asking this? *annoyed*
your current best friend's best friend: Me?
your old, if any, best friends: Aww, Andres. I miss him.
reminds you of yourself: Kodi, Lees
wish you were more like: Who I'm supposed to be

popeyes, churches, or kfc: All of them!
lead pen, pencil, or pen: Wtf is a lead pen? Pens, though cuz I refuse to write with pencil unless I'm helping Gavin with his homework.
black or white: "my babay it don't matter if you're black or whiite" *sings MJ*
abercrombie, hollister, or american eagle: Abercrombie out of the 3
hot topic or abercrombie: Hot Topic
lol, haha, lolol, or hehe: Are you kidding me?
aim, msn, yahoo, or icq: I have AOL at home, yahoo at work
type or talk: Talking is easier than typing, typing is easier than texting.
walmart, kmart, or target: All 3
mall or movies: Mall
wendys or checkers: wtf is checkers--Stickin' with Kodi's answer

what are you wearing: Blue-ish pants, white collared shirt with a green sweater over it and black boots. I look all kindsa preppy haha.
who are you talking to: No one at the moment
who else is in your room: I'm at work
last person you talked to / about what: I dunno, someone here at work prolly

name all of the people who pop into your head right now: Kodi, Gavin, Aspen, Lees, Linds, Steph, Crystal, Shaun
what is set as ur desktop background: Here at work, we have a thing called "webshots" and it changes pictures. At home, I have 3 Doors Down (go figure).
screensaver: Webshots here at work, a changing box thingy at home
what color is your instant messaging text: Pink
what instant messanger to you use: AOL at home, yahoo at work
what browser do you use: Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox

1) Do you believe in God? Name one or more events that have led you to this: Yes. I was raised in Church.

2) Do you believe that all things happen for a reason? Why or why not?: I haven't figured this one out yet to tell you the truth.

3) Who is your best friend (ONE)? Why? Who are your other good friends and why aren't they your best friends?: *Ignores this question now*

4) Do you drink (alcohol)? Do you smoke? Do you do drugs? Why or why not?: Yes, yes, not anymore. Because I can.

5) Name and describe one life changing event. Do you wish this had happened? Explain : When I placed my daughter up for adoption. I can't explain the feelings that I had and still have about it. It's the hardest thing I've ever done in my life and I don't wish that kind of pain on anyone.ever. I don't wish that it would've happened...but it was something that had to be done. Do I regret it? (I get that question a lot) I think a part of me will always regret it, yes. But no one can ever change the fact that she will always be my baby.

6) Do you have any secrets? If so, can you tell one? I have a lot of secrets. And if I told you, they wouldn't be secrets anymore, now would they?

7) Name a few people that you are glad you have met this year, and why: I've met so many awesome fucking people this year. Kodi. She's changed my outlook on a lot of things. She brings out my rebel side (lol), she makes me happy. I'm addicted. I don't wanna leave anyone out...but I can't think right now if I met Steph and Lees this year or not. :/ I love you guys!! I love all my friends.

8) If you could go back in time, would you change anything? If so, what? If not, what would you change if you had to change something? *Sigh* I would change a hell of a lot of things.

9) If you were granted one wish and had to take it, what would you wish for?: To be the best mother I could possibly be and to live up to my expectations for myself as a mother. Otherwise...I'd wish for a lot of money lol.

10) Tell something that no one knows. Something that you have never told anyone before: No.

11) If you could go forward in time and see one thing, what would it be and why?: I don't think I would want to...

12) What's your biggest fear that something will happen? (not insecets, bad weather, etc): I'm tired of this question, too

13) Who aggravates you / you hate the most? Why?: Courtney Love for various reasons.

14) If you were to die at this second: Would you go to heaven, hell, neither, etc? I would think Heaven.

16) What would you regret, if anything? Who would miss you and why? Who do you think wouldn't miss you, if anyone, and why?: Not going everywhere/doing everything I wanted to do/go. I would hope a lot of people would miss me. People that don't know me wouldn't miss me--haha, gotta stick with that last answer, too.

17) What do you want your last words to be? *Shrugs*


Happy Birthday, xxxostaroxxx!! ♥

I hope your day is fantastic, sweetie!! :D

music, food, birthdays, quizzes, random, family, radio, friends

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