*Knock knock* Wow...anyone out there this morning? I.had.so.much.fun.last.night. Omg, it was a fucking blast. Totally not crowded like I expected it to be, which was way cool. Firefighter Steve and
destinymanifest came along, yay! Although Jenny didn't stay too long, which was totally understandable. Thanks for comin' though! So we get there, grab a table right next to the poker table.sweet. Although it was non-smoking up there which sucked. They were a little late getting started. Not a problem, though. They had a ton of prizes to give away and I won the very first one. It's a $50 gift certificate to this nail salon place in Lakewood. Slacker was playing a song on the guitar and Bo was singing it and they wanted someone to guess what the name of the song was. So this lady goes up first, she was probably around 40 and the song was "More Than Words". Well she guessed "Only Words" so then they picked me to go up since she was wrong. I had to guess that one and another one and the other one was "Sweet Home Alabama". Score. Slacker wound up beating the kid at poker, but the kid got the GameCube anyway. Aww, good. So after that was over, they were drawing names out of a box for people to play poker for the big ski/board pass thing. So they drew mine and Steve's names out.sweet. I kicked ass!! Which is surprising, since I was lit. I wound up only getting second place, but that works for me! I got a Seether CD with a bunch of their songs on it...can't think of what it's called. And it has a bonus DVD of "Broken" with Amy Lee. The guy that won the ski pass thingy (worth like $1200, btw) also got another one of the nail salon gift certificates that I had gotten. So he gave it to me. I can't wait to be in radio, it was so effing fun.
steph5628, I really wish you would've come, it was a blast, and Steve covered the whole bar tab haha which had to have been like $40. I think Shaun's going to poker tonight, that's what he was saying last night. Can you believe I'm at work today? Haha. I just hope Michelle doesn't call me and say Aspen's doing horrible and I have to go get her. :/ Her cough is barky now and it sounds really bad. I'm sure she had a little fever this morning, but I couldn't take her temperature because, well...I don't have a thermometer. I prolly need to buy one of those, huh? Well, I thought I had one, and I used to...but it must have gotten lost in the shuffle somewhere. I'm such a horrible mom. She's sick because of me more than likely. I only have like 2 pairs of socks for her, and with socks always getting lost anyways and then with baby socks being so small they get lost faster...yah. So I go over to Michelle's this morning and she's like "I bought her some socks" aww. I felt so horrible though, you guys. She's like, "well it's just so cold out and I'm sure that's why she's sick, from not having socks on". :( So yah, that was my second I-wanna-crawl-in-a-hole-and-die moment. The first one was last night when I realized I forgot to get baby wipes and milk on the way home. Great mom, right? :( I'll get them as soon as I go pick up the kids today though. My throat's all scratchy this morning. Well...I guess that's it for now. So far I'm in a good mood today and it's sans breakfast and Starbucks...how's that work? Hope everyone's Thursday is going fantastic so far. Later, biatches. ;) ♥
P.S. Don't you think my icon is totally drool-worthy? I do. MmMm *drools*
Edit: Oh, and if anyone tries to call/text me...I forgot my phone at home so I'll get back to ya. :P