cause i got tagged

May 28, 2006 13:49

20 years ago I . . .

1. was one year old
2. pooped in my diaper
3. would sleep more than 10 hours a day

10 years ago I . . .

1. started gaining weight due to my H-Fever
2. collected confiscated sticker albums... hehehe
3. was showing off my pencil case with a million buttons

5 years ago I . . .

1. was playing beautiful music with Sleep Mr. Musicman
2. went to the prom and left my date the whole time (since i was the emcee)
3. got so drunk i went home to yell at myself before my father could

3 years ago I . . .

1. took up chocolate school... hehehe
2. was sadly overly-infatuated with someone else
3. had my debut wherein everyone had to leave because of the Oakwood Mutiny

1 year ago I . . .

1. cried my eyes out... i miss you ciar
2. had a lovely anniversary dinner with carlo
3. did not know how to properly slice and seed a tomato

So far this year I . . .

1. FINALLY went on an outing with my barkada (i love you, qlit)
2. lost 15 lbs. over the summer
3. stayed sober while every one else got drunk/tipsy

Yesterday I . . .

1. bid on ebay
2. watched Xmen.... ooooohhh, the ending
3. saw the roundest and cutest little boy ever with hazel-shaped eyes! sarap to pinch his cheeks!

Today I . . .

1. contacted my seller (hahaha)
2. cooked healthy pasta and baked an oatmeal loaf
3. did my cardio at 830am

Tomorrow I will . . .

1. enjoy BAKIPA2!!!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!
2. try to give the money already
3. kiss and embrace carlo (3 more days!!!!)

In the next year I will . . .

1. try to get into a good establishment for my practi1
2. try again for my second practicum
3. try to lose more weight

In the next minute, I will tag...

1. sarah
2. meg
3. monica
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