Sleeping my Life Away....

Mar 23, 2007 00:13

I have been on Spring Break this week and have done little besides sitting, then laying, and then falling asleep; it's a progression that has been unavoidable. I almost forgot I had to work on Monday, but then I remembered and went to work (in time thank you very much). As for Tuesday, nothing, just sleep. Wednesday, same. Today, well, I had actually got off of my lazy butt and showered and became human again. We all got in the car and went to a cheerleading 'recital' for my seven year old niece. Unfortunately, I forgot the camera so I will have to wait to get some pics from her mom. The girls were so cute, dancing around and waving their pom-poms. It brought back cheerleading uniform was always bigger than everyone else's, is that why I quit? Whatever...

I have been catching up on my TV shows, not that I really get too behind but I did just watch season 1 of the Office. Now I am on to season 2, I'm sure it will be great. I am so impatient that I went to YouTube to watch "the Kiss." *Sigh* I love Pam and Jim. I also watched the first part of the two part season finale of BSG. I can already tell I am going to be way too frustrated for my own good next weekend. I hate season finales. Same with Dirt, gonna be frustrated with that one too.

Oh, and last night at 4 in the morning we had hail. Big ones, like scoop-them-up-and-put-'em-in-a-drink big. Check it out.

Vacation's almost over. Only six weeks left until I am officially a college graduate. *Big Sigh* I'm going to go and watch more TV do something productive... wink-wink...

Oh, and Lisa, try to limit the burning of items in your apartment to just the stuff that won't kill ya and you're all good. ;)
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